Top 16 Places You’re Not Allowed To Visit on Earth

In the world that we live in it is no surprise that there are certain places that we the people are not allowed to visit. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of restricted places? Area 51, right? Surprise, surprise it did not even make the list!

Here are the Top 10 Most Restricted areas on earth:

The Situation Room

You have probably heard stories of the situation room, the room where the president and his advisers gather together to discuss life or death situations. This room can be found 50 feet below the West Wing and only the President and his advisers are allowed in.

Vatican Archives, Italy

Owned by the pope, the Vatican Archives are not necessarily secret despite their name. Nobody can enter without the pope’s permission. It is said that evidence of extraterrestrial life exists in the facilities and nobody is quite sure of all that can be found amidst the 84 km of shelving. It’s often only been carefully screened researchers and journalists who have been granted access to this underground reserve.

Club 33, United States

Club 33 was originally a small restaurant that was one of the first buildings to be constructed in Disneyland, smack dab in the middle of New Orleans Square. While its blue door façade looks like every other entrance to the theme park, this one soon became home to a secret club commissioned by Walt Disney himself who used it for years to entertain foreign dignitaries, celebrities, and high-class hookers. There is a secret panel in the doorway that covers a buzzer, which those who have access use to gain entry into the club. It has been rumored to host sex parties and Illuminati meetings and was recently open to the public with an offer of membership to the first 100 people who applied.

Cheyenne Mountain Complex, United States

The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a military installation and nuclear bunker in Colorado, located at the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station. It houses or has at one time housed the United States Space Command, the Aerospace Defense Command, the Air Force Command and the Federal Emergency Management System. The complex is a fascinating web of buildings built 610 meters under granite that are protected from natural disasters. It boasts flexible piping systems and has its own power plant and water supply. Oh, and it can withstand a 30 megaton nuclear explosion, bombs, and radiological contaminants.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Imagine a post-apocalyptic world where all food sources were destroyed and famine began to set it, that’s where the Svalbard Global Seed Vault comes in. Located in Norway, this seed vault contains thousands of seeds of every existing plant in the world. In the event of a catastrophe like this, the seeds would be disbursed providing enough food to sustain the remaining population.

Room 39

Room 39 is said to be an area where nefarious crimes are committed like drug manufacturing, counterfeiting of U.S. currency and financial fraud. This place is located in the Workers party building in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea. North Korea in itself is one of the most highly restricted areas in the world so it is obvious why this place is on the list.

Dulce Base, United States

In 1979, American businessman Paul Bennewitz became convinced that he was intercepting electronic communications from aliens outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico in a town named Dulce. Since then, the area he discovered signals have come to be known as the Dulce base, and it said to be a joint government-alien biogenetic laboratory that carries out experiments on humans and animals. The upper level is controlled by the government while the lower levels closest to the Earth are reportedly run by extraterrestrials. A man by the name of Phil Schneider claimed to have helped build an entrance to the top-secret base but was later found dead in his apartment, piano wire was wrapped around his neck.

Queen’s Bedroom, Great Britain

In 1982, a man by the name of Michael Fagan scaled Buckingham Palace’s 14-foot high perimeter wall despite it being adored with revolving spikes and barbed wire, climbed up a drainpipe and wandered into the queen’s bedroom in the early morning hours. He triggered alarms but they were faulty and then sat on the edge of her bed while she slept and drank a cup of tea. Since the incident, security at the Palace has been ramped up and the Queen’s bedroom perimeter is outfitted with sophisticated alarms, motion sensors and round the clock security guard presence.

Bohemian Grove

Every summer for around 150-years this secretive California campground hosts a gathering of the most powerful men in the world.

Past presidents such as Richard Nixon and Herbert Hoover have attended. Women are not allowed.

Private meetings at this retreat were directly responsible for the Manhattan project, the project that led to the development of the atomic bomb.

Bahnhof/Wikileaks, Sweden

Wikileaks is an international journalistic organization that has been publishing secret information to various governments around the world since 2006. Bahnhof is an independent Swedish Internet service provider. What do the two have in common? Well, quite a lot as it turns out. All of Wikileaks’ servers are hosted in a Bahnhof data center located in a top secret secured bunker named Pionen that is burrowed away into the White Mountains in Stockholm. The controversial Wikileaks’ servers have long tried to be found by the Swedish police, without any luck or cooperation from Bahnhof. The bunker features steel doors and can withstand a nuclear attack, as it was originally built to be a Cold War Shelter.

Fort Knox

The United States Army Post Fort Knox is located in Kentucky, just south of Louisville. This 109,000-acre base is considered one of the most secure places on the planet. Protected by around 30,000 soldiers and a flotilla of attack helicopters, nothing is getting in or out of this base without it being known!

What are they protecting that is so important? The Fort holds the United States Gold Bullion Reserve as well as countless other national treasures.

Pine Gap Australia

Located in Central Australia, south-west of Alice Springs, this is the only place within the continent that is designated as a strict no-fly zone. This secret site is a key contributor to the global surveillance network ECHELON.

This location is partly run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. National Security Agency, U.S. National Reconnaissance Office and the Australian Government.

The Mormon Church Secret Vault

Believed to contain over 3 billion pages of information pertaining to genealogy and family history of Americans, the vault is completely off limits save for tours on very rare occasions.

This vault was constructed into the side of a mountain with careful consideration going into the preservation of the documents it would contain. For this reason it is very carefully temperature controlled.

The Lascaux Caves, France

Located near the village of Montignac, in the department of Dordogne, southwestern France, the Lascaux Caves contain over 600 ancient cave paintings, estimated around 17,000 years BP. This location was inducted into the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 1979.

A strange fugal invasion currently threatens the paintings contained upon these cave walls, with lichens and crystals beginning to appear on the walls in the late 1950’s. Access to the caves was restricted beginning in 1963.

Mezhgorye, Russia

One of the most protected and restricted areas within the boundaries of Russia, Mezhgorye is believed to be a secret nuclear missile site. The limited, and hard to substantiate, information regarding this base claims that it contains automatic ballistic missiles. These missiles are said to have the ability to be remotely activated in the event of a nuclear strike.

The location is permanently guarded by two battalions, ensuring that no one is able to gain access unless they have been permitted.

Area 51

Nevada, approximately 80 miles from downtown Las Vegas, Area 51 is one of the most secretive and heavily protected areas on the planet. The purpose of this base is still publicly unknown; however it is thought to be used for the research and development of experimental aircraft and weaponry.

Up until 2013 the United States government completely denied its existence, however it has since been officially acknowledged.


Σάββατο, Ιουλίου 22, 2017 |
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