Put Your Palms Together, and Pay Attention to This Little Detail

Palmistry is an ancient practice characterized as the ability to tell one’s future through the study of your palm. Dating back to roots of Hindu astrology and Gypsy fortune tellers several thousand years ago, it is now known and practiced worldwide.

There are a number of specific lines on the palm that a palm reader will focus on, each with its own unique connections and meanings. One important line is that of the heart line, otherwise known as the love line. Running from the edge of the palm under the little finger across to area in which the middle finger and/or forefinger joins the hand – this line has been found to have deep meaning in the areas of love and affection.

While some may pay attention to just the line on one palm, using it in order to predict if you do or do not have deep affection in your life, if your emotions are complicated or simple, and how smooth you can predict your love life and subsequent marriage will go – there has also been found to be a connection between the location of this line when comparing your two palms.

Place your palms together and look at the way in which the love line lines up, and then read on to find out what this means.

The Left-Hand Line is Higher than the Right-Hand

These individuals do not believe that love is a necessary factor in their life for happiness, completely content to be on their own. For this reason, they are willing got wait however long it may take to find the ‘right’ person rather than rushing into a relationship just to avoid being single for too long. They are attracted to people who are different from themselves in some way – largely drawn to those that are significantly younger or those of different nationalities and cultures. Highly self-confident, they easily overcome hardships in life and are willing to work through the tough times in a relationship if they believe that it is ‘the one.’

The Love Lines on Both Hands are at the Same Level

These individuals take love VERY serious and prefer to be in constant, long-term relationships. They are not afraid of the time, energy and dedication that a real relationship will take, more than prepared to fight for something that they feel strongly about. Highly rational and valuing the importance of a steady routine, they are highly disturbed when something changes, especially last minute. They are soft spoken and caring, often reaching out to care for others in their times of need.

The Left-Hand Line is Lower than the Right-Hand

These people are old souls. Wise beyond their years, they have a unique outlook on life. They are not one to fall into the trends of modern society, instead choosing to live life by their own set of social rules which often date back to the times of chivalry and respect. They are highly intuitive and possess a sixth sense that is rarely, if ever, wrong. These individuals find themselves drawn to older partners and friends as they operate at a much more mature level than others their age.


Τρίτη, Ιουλίου 18, 2017 |
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