What Happens 20 Minutes After You Quit Smoking A Timeline Of How Your Body Heals

Smoking is an addiction that’s programmed into our consciousness. It used to be prescribed by doctors in the good’ ol days, because it gave you more stamina. People who smoke just can’t seem to kick the habit – and it’s not their fault. These cancer sticks are designed to tuck you in and keep you stuck. To be able to quit, you need a really strong support system and plan set in place to be able to actually rewire your brain.

This is what happens after you stop:

20 Minutes

Your heart rate will go back to normal as well as your blood pressure. You will feel more sensations in your hands and your legs. The organism will slowly start to clean itself from the nicotine, which can make you crave for another cigarette, but try and be persistent.

8 Hours

You inhale carbon monoxide when tobacco is burning and that substance bonds with your blood cells.

That prevents the oxygen to bond to your cells and cause dangerous cardiovascular diseases.

You can cut that level of carbon monoxide on half by not smoking for 8 hours. Your oxygen levels will turn to normal and you will lower the risk of a heart attack.

48 Hours

If you are a smoker you are probably less susceptible to the sense of smell and taste.

Luckily, if you do not light a cigarette for 48 hour straight, you will regain those senses, since your nerve endings will revitalize and re-grow. You will no longer have the need to spice your food so you can taste it better.

Moreover, the nicotine will be completely gone. Since this substance is the one it causes addiction you may want a cigarette and feel nauseous. Do not give in to the temptation of smoking another cigarette. This gets better and better.

72 Hours

Your respiratory system will get back to normal and you will start breathing easily again. After 72 hours of not smoking your lungs will start the revitalization process and taking larger, deeper breaths becomes easier.

The cilia in your lungs will repair and function normally again. Continue with this tempo and you will lower the risk of a heart attack, kidney failure or any cardiovascular disease.

2 Weeks

Your cough drastically slow down depending on how long you’ve been smoking.

As the lung clean themselves slowly so far they throw out all the nicotine and other toxins. Your body will be able to repair itself without harsh toxins constantly being consumed.

As a result, you can be more physically active and you can do all kinds of cardio exercises without getting short of breath.

3 to 9 Months

Your skin will regain its glow and vitality. You will feel it soft again, since the circulation of the blood will increase when you get rid of the nicotine in your body. Less circulation brings about pale, dry, and crumbly skin. Your skin will regain its elasticity since it will produce more collagen and you will get wrinkles much later.

1 to 5 Years

You will lower the risk of a heart disease by half. The signs that give you away that you are a smoker will be gone after you quit smoking for 1 to 5 years.

That means yellow fingers and yellow smoker teeth will be completely gone since you will have more blood circulation in your gums. You will also lower the risk of different types of cancer by 50%, including lung cancer, as the most common one, as well as kidney, pancreas, bladder, mouth cancer etc.

10 to 15 Years

The need to smoke dissipates and hopefully you’ll be thankful you stopped. It’s a shift in lifestyle and using things in moderation. After 15 years of not smoking the chances of a heart disease or cancer will be equivalent to non-smoker’s risk. All the health consequences that came with smoking will no longer exist and you will live a healthy life and extend your life expectancy.

Good luck; you can do it!

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Δευτέρα, Φεβρουαρίου 29, 2016 |
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